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Department of the LVGA

Werkgroep Fossielen regio Wageningen

montreuill beiley

WFW News & Announcements

Nieuws WFW

Old news from the WFW can be found on the forum page .

Dino Chick

July 9, 2022

Wanted: sea urchins with growth abnormalities

For scientific research, Maite Philippa is looking for sea urchins with growth abnormalities (dent, deformation). More can be found at


July 9, 2022

Wanted: sea urchins with growth abnormalities

For scientific research, Maite Philippa is looking for sea urchins with growth abnormalities (dent, deformation). More can be found at

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July 9, 2022

Wanted: sea urchins with growth abnormalities

For scientific research, Maite Philippa is looking for sea urchins with growth abnormalities (dent, deformation). More can be found at

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July 9, 2022

Wanted: sea urchins with growth abnormalities

For scientific research, Maite Philippa is looking for sea urchins with growth abnormalities (dent, deformation). More can be found at

Law Review

July 9, 2022

Wanted: sea urchins with growth abnormalities

For scientific research, Maite Philippa is looking for sea urchins with growth abnormalities (dent, deformation). More can be found at

Eiffeltoren Parijs

July 9, 2022

Wanted: sea urchins with growth abnormalities

For scientific research, Maite Philippa is looking for sea urchins with growth abnormalities (dent, deformation). More can be found at

Paleontologie nieuws
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Paleontology in the news

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19 July 2021

Stomach contents in Tyranosaurus 

The stomach contents have been found in a fossil of a young tyrannosaurid. The eating habits of young tyrannosaurids were still largely unknown. Inside the stomach were the hind legs of two yearling caenagnathid dinosaurs. More in the link. P.S. In any modern browser it is possible to automatically translate the text into Dutch! Usually right click and then select translate.

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19 July 2021

Stomach contents in Tyranosaurus 

The stomach contents have been found in a fossil of a young tyrannosaurid. The eating habits of young tyrannosaurids were still largely unknown. Inside the stomach were the hind legs of two yearling caenagnathid dinosaurs. More in the link. P.S. In any modern browser it is possible to automatically translate the text into Dutch! Usually right click and then select translate.

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19 July 2021

Stomach contents in Tyranosaurus 

The stomach contents have been found in a fossil of a young tyrannosaurid. The eating habits of young tyrannosaurids were still largely unknown. Inside the stomach were the hind legs of two yearling caenagnathid dinosaurs. More in the link. P.S. In any modern browser it is possible to automatically translate the text into Dutch! Usually right click and then select translate.


19 July 2021

Stomach contents in Tyranosaurus 

The stomach contents have been found in a fossil of a young tyrannosaurid. The eating habits of young tyrannosaurids were still largely unknown. Inside the stomach were the hind legs of two yearling caenagnathid dinosaurs. More in the link. P.S. In any modern browser it is possible to automatically translate the text into Dutch! Usually right click and then select translate.

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We work a lot with partners.

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